Sunday, January 11, 2009

and on to something new

Today I have already worked out and run two miles and I've only been up for 3 hours. I've also been listening to music to make me feel nostalgic. It's a gray rainy day and the wind is kind of chilly but I'm enjoying it. I have spent at least half an hour listening to music and looking at postsecrets and asofterworld images...
for those of you who don't know...

Post Secret  is an ongoing art project where people mail in pictures or post cards with their secrets on them just so they can tell someone how they feel or admit to something they've done... a lot of them are sad or depressing but there are just as many that lift you up or just remind you that you just need to take time to relax and see life for what it is..
like this one:
post secret Pictures, Images and Photos

A Softer World is kind of the same but different in a way. Its a lot darker I suppose but still has amazing photos and lines... my favorite one is the first one I ever read :
hurricane Pictures, Images and Photos

I can sit and look at this pictures for hours and sometimes I cry and other times I laugh but it gives me just one moment where I can share another persons emotions or realize that I'm not alone and being a teenaged girl that is one of the most important things to learn.

The Army stuff is still going well. I have one recommendation done and another one almost done. I emailed two teachers and I hope that they can fax in the recommendations on Monday so everything will work out wonderfully. 

Listening to the wind blow through the palm trees I haven't feel this peaceful in a long time and I wish that for all of you today.

The Song of the Day is one that I listened to with an ex-boyfriend of mine... my first love if you will. I have moved on from all of that but this song still makes me feel loved and calm...

1 comment:

  1. catie..I have visited Post Secret a couple of times...truly an intense site!
    It sounds as though you are doing what you need to do! Stay with it, you are worth it!

    ~AirmanMom returning to her blog...
